M2Q says goodbye to Transition & Release BU Manager Dirk

M2Q says goodbye to Transition & Release BU Manager Dirk

M2Q Neemt Afscheid van Transition & Release BU Manager Dirk

Today we want to mark a special moment within our organization. Our colleague, Dirk, after an impressive 8-year career as Transition & Release BU Manager at M2Q, will say goodbye to us at the end of this month and enjoy his retirement. The retirement party we recently held in Dirk’s honor was an occasion filled with warmth, gratitude and memories.

Dirk has played an indispensable role on our team during his time at M2Q. As Transition & Release BU Manager, he was known for his dedication, attention to detail and thorough knowledge of change management and Agile. His meticulous approach and ability to identify and solve problems have contributed significantly to the success of numerous projects. Thanks to his expertise and commitment, our services met the highest quality standards time after time, which helped M2Q build a reputation for excellence.

During the retirement celebration, we reflected on Dirk’s many contributions and accomplishments. Colleagues shared stories and anecdotes that highlighted not only his professional competence, but also his integrity, collegiality and the positive influence he had on the team. It was a heartwarming evening where we reminisced together, laughed about shared experiences, and reflected on the beautiful moments of the past eight years.

Dirk’s impact on M2Q goes beyond his technical skills. He was a mentor to many new employees, someone you could count on for advice and support. His patience and willingness to share his knowledge not only improved the quality of our work, but also contributed to the professional growth of his colleagues. The loss of his daily presence will certainly be felt, but the legacy of his work and influence on the team will live on.

At M2Q, we are incredibly grateful to Dirk for his years of dedication and hard work. We learned a lot from him and are glad we had a moment to show our appreciation at his retirement party. It was an opportunity not only to look back on his career, but also to look ahead to the new adventures and recreation ahead.

Dirk, on behalf of the entire M2Q team, we want to thank you again for all you have done for us. You have made a lasting impact on us and our work. We wish you a long, happy and well-deserved retirement. We hope you will fully enjoy this new phase in your life, filled with time for yourself, your family and your passions.

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