5 years ago, Nathasja joined M2Q after her ex-boyfriend, IT Architect, introduced her to IT and Software testing. She applied to M2Q for the position of Junior Test Engineer and was hired right away as well.
After a short in-house training, she obtained her ISTQB certification and started working at CM. During her 3-year assignment, she learned a lot about software testing and was able to advance to a Medior assignment at Corona Direct.
Nathasja does see herself in the role of test coordinator within a few years. The path she has taken during these 5 years has provided not only her professional development, but also personal growth. Now Nathasja is a lot more confident and believes in her qualities.
By training she is an Orthopedagoge and her social skills now come in very handy in a job where you do a lot of consulting with a varied team. So a very important softskill of a good tester.
She hopes to develop further within the M2Q team.
Veldkant 33a
2550 Kontich
Lucky Lukestraat 6
8500 Kortrijk
BE 0472.593.797
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